1. Continue Learning

Let’s get one thing straight. Knowledge is relative. The absolute knowledge belongs to The One and Only God, Allah Almighty. So the people who think that they have “learned” everything or that they are quite knowledgeable and don’t need to “continue learning”, they need to think again.

We should never assume that we don’t need any more of “applied knowledge” (I say applied knowledge because knowledge without application is pretty much wasted), no matter how wise or educated we are.

There’s ALWAYS room for more. A Muslim with a Growth mindset would never put an end to learning.

Allah says in the Quran: “And say: ‘My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.”
[Quran: Surah 20, Ayah 114]

2. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable

Get out of your comfort zone and set up challenges for yourself.

I know accepting challenges can be quite challenging :D. But what’s the fun in easy? You should view challenges as a path to personal growth, whether the growth comes with failure or success.

And who doesn’t like comfort zones? After all, they are pretty comfortable.

But if you don’t put yourself out of your comfort zone, you will stay in the exact same spot that you are in life.

Do you want to be more spiritual and get closer to Allah? You gotta get uncomfortable (Ibadah is difficult in the beginning of a believer’s journey until a point comes when it becomes a passion).

You wanna get better grades in school or become established in your career? Get uncomfortable. Stay awake till late and get up early to study/ work.

Everything you want in life is out of your comfort zone. [Robert Allen]

3. Learn to accept and embrace failure

Accepting failure does NOT mean you won’t be disappointed. That’s not humanly. You WILL be disappointed, hurt or even depressed.

But you will not let failure keep you from getting up after the fall and moving forward. Humans are designed to sin and fail. So take it easy on your humanly soul and don’t beat yourself up every time you fail.

Allah says in the Quran: “Why [is it that] when a [single] disaster struck you [on the day of Uhud], although you had struck [the enemy in the battle of Badr] with one twice as great, you said, “From where is this?” Say, “It is from yourselves.” Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.

[ Quran: Surah 3, Ayah 165]

In the above ayah, Allah is telling the Muslims who lost in the battle of Uhud that failure is a result of the lack of efforts or our mistakes. And every human makes mistakes. We need to accept failure as a part of life.

Therefore, we should have no reason to blame anybody and get up after each fall, rather than being miserable and stuck in our failures.

4. Accept and appreciate others

As soon as you start accepting the achievements of other people, you will notice jealousy, hate and resentment towards others seep out of your system.

You will want to help others reach the same place where you want to be, rather than compete with them to reach there.

5. Accept negative feedback and constructive criticism

You know what will make you grow like a tree on boosters? Accepting negative feedback and constructive criticism.

However, there’s one catch. You might end up losing every grain of your self-confidence if you listen too closely or too much.
Keep yourself open to receiving constructive criticism about yourself or your work, but also keep yourself away from unhealthy, non-constructive criticism that is coming from someone who’s jealous of you.

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